On 17th February 2023, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Iganga district Mr Mwanje Eddie together with the Town Clerk Mr. Lwanga Edward, Deputy Town Clerk, His Worship the Mayor, Division chairpersons, and staff among others participated in commissioning of DDEG projects.
The projects that were commissioned included: - Administration block 240 million Ugx, Store and security house 62 million Ugx, maternity ward and laboratory at Nabidhonga Prisons Health Centre II 143 million Ugx respectively.
The RDC thanked the technical staff and the contractors for good work done and also applauded the Town Clerk for the good working relationship with the office of The RDC. His Worship the Mayor Bamugemye Dellix Richard also thanked the RDC for honouring the invitation and the contractors together with the municipal Engineer for the good work well done.