The department is manned by the a Principal Executive Engineer, with Civil Engineer, Assistant Engineering Officer (Civil), Assistant Engineering Officer (Civil), Road Inspector Drivers, Operators and Portas. The department is charged with overseeing all works related activities.
Iganga Municipal Road Network fall under four categories:
National/Trunk Roads, Municipal/Feeder Roads, Urban Roads and its supported by Uganda Road Fund (URF) and Local Revenue for Rehabilitation and Maintenance.
To ensure access of people to economic and social infrastructure so that incomes are improved and costs of transportation are reduced.
- To Plan, design and manage the construction, routine, and periodic maintenance of the Municipal Roads.
- To Plan, design and manage the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of the drainage systems.
- To Plan, design and manage the construction and maintenance of the municipality Building Infrastructure.
- To maintain municipal council vehicles and equipments in good mechanical conditions.
- To plan, approve, inspect and guide building and civil engineering works carried out in the municipality.
- Upgrading Roads to Bitumenous Standard;
- Drainage Construction
- Periodic & Routine Maintenance of Roads.
- Empowering the Road Gangs in Routine Manuaul maintenance of roads.
- Sensitisation of communities about the importance of preserving the road reserves.
- Involvement of special interest groups in the planning for and maintenance of Roads and road reserves.
- Opening of Community Access Roads;
- Routine Maintenance of Municipal& Community Access Roads;
- Periodic Maintenance ofMunicipal& Community Access Roads;
- Sealing of Roads
- Drainage Construction of Roads
- Planting of trees and grass along the road reserves;
- Supervision &Monitoring of projects.
Unfinished Activities
Due to a number of challenges such as inadequate funding to meet the roads maintenance need, high rates of spare parts and servicing of the force account plant and equipment, high rates of force account plant and equipment breakdowns, high cost of road construction materials, and none availability of critical equipment like a traxcavators, Vibro roller chips spreader, Phenomatic Roller, Bitumen Boiler for road force account works which increased cost of projects and cut back on the quality of interventions.
Iganga Municipal Council works sector at work using the force account method along Balunywa Road for sealing