Iganga Municipal council launched the parish revolving fund under the parish development model on 14th July 2023 at Iganga Municipal Council Primary School. The chief guest was the State Minister for Agriculture hon. Bwino Fred Kyakulaga and a member of parliament for Kigulu North. In attendance was the chairperson NRM Iganga district Mr. Walubi Abubakar, RDC Mr. Wandira Sadala, deputy RDC, DPC Iganga district, Town Clerk Mr. Kasala Daniel, manager Opportunity Bank and staff of Iganga Municipal Council among others.
The Hon. Minister for Agriculture thanked the staff of Iganga Municipal Council for the great work well done and also requested the beneficiaries use the money for the intended purposes and also support all government programmes.
Iganga municipal council is composed of two divisions, 11 wards, 34 cells participating in the Parish Development Model with 189 enterprise groups (central division 106 and northern division 83). A total of 2222 participating farmers were registered on PDMIS in all the 189 enterprise groups of which 1417 are females and 805 males including the youths, elderly and the disabled.
Farmers were equally mobilized, trained and formed according to enterprises that suit the urban setting both in primary and secondary production with poultry having 134 groups, diary 28, piggery 11, vegetables/ horticulture 18 and fish 3.
Each of 11 SACCOs have been capitalized with grants of shs.107,272, 727 making 1,179,994,992 for the entire municipality as parish revolving fund (PRF) ready for disbursement to loan applicants.
627 members were selected from all the enterprise groups through community meetings and were recommended for loan application to SACCOs.
370 entries are in process pending account numbers, 22 entries at approval stage and 11 vouchers created and forwarded for payment.