Representatives from DOTI Services construction company together with technical staff of Iganga Municipal Council and political leaders having an engagement meeting with traders operating along Saaza road. In attendance was His Worship Mayor Bamu Lulenzi, human resource officer DOTI services, District Police Commander (DPC), technical staff and other political leaders.
The Human resource offer DOTI Services in his address said that the purpose of the meeting was to engage traders and stake holders to vacate the road reserves along Saaza road to enable construction works.
The Town Clerk Mr. Alikwan Ayub Kisubi asked the traders especially the Matoke vendors operating on the road reserve to vacate immediately and be cooperative with contractors to enable the construction works.
His worship Mayor Bamu Lulenzi in his address also pleaded with the traders and asked them to be cooperative this the contractor. He also told them that very soon the central market will be constructed as this will boost business in the municipality.
The DPC who represented the RDC asked traders to vacate the road reserves and cooperate with the contractor. He also asked them to always embrace government projects as this will boost the development of the municipality.